Physiotherapist, Becky Maranda, will be joining the Enhanced Healing team!
Becky works with her clients to improve their quality of life by reducing pain, facilitate healing and restore function through a variety of manual therapy modalities, including craniosacral therapy and visceral mobilization,
variety of modalities to reduce pain, facilitate healing and restore function.
Physiotherapist, Becky Maranda, will be joining the Enhanced Healing team!
Becky works with her clients to improve their quality of life by reducing pain, facilitate healing and restore function through a variety of manual therapy modalities, including craniosacral therapy and visceral mobilization,
variety of modalities to reduce pain, facilitate healing and restore function.

Massage Therapy in Kelowna
Massage therapy has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems.
Physical function can be developed, maintained and improved.
Physical dysfunction and pain can be relieved or prevented.
Registered Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are dozens of types of massage therapy methods (modalities).
People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons; to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness.

Some Modalities We Use...
Autoimmune Rheumatic DisordersRaynaurd’s Disease Systematic Lupus Erythematosus
Bursa, Muscle & Tendon Disorders"Bursitis Fibromyalgia Muscle Cramps Tendinopathies (Tendonosis) Contusions Muscle Tension/Spasm Sprains Strains
Cancer CarePost Mastectomy Care Nausea Pain Lymphedema
Female HealthPregnancy (Prenatal & Postnatal Care) Labour Care Pelvic Pain
Foot & Ankle DisordersMedial Plantar Nerve Entrapment Metatarsalgia Plantar Fasciosis
Hand DisordersCarpal Tunnel Syndrome Osteoarthritis of the Hand Dupuytrens’ Contracture
HeadachesTension Migraine TMJ Dysfunction
Hip, Leg & Knee Disorders"Illiotibial Band Impingement Syndrome Patellar Tracking Dysfunction Shin Splints (Compartment Syndrome) Ligament Tear
Joint DisordersRheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis
Neck & Back PainSciatica Degenerative Disc Disease (Slipped Disc) Facet Pain Whiplash & Associated Disorders Scoliosis Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Neurological DisordersMultiple Sclerosis Spastic Paralysis Stroke Parkinsons
PediatricColic Infant Massage
Psychological DisordersAnxiety Depression Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Respiratory CareAsthma COPD Emphysema
Shoulder & Elbow ConditionsFrozen Shoulder Golfers / Tennis Elbow (Tendonopathy)
Autoimmune Rheumatic DisordersRaynaurd’s Disease Systematic Lupus Erythematosus
Bursa, Muscle & Tendon Disorders"Bursitis Fibromyalgia Muscle Cramps Tendinopathies (Tendonosis) Contusions Muscle Tension/Spasm Sprains Strains
Cancer CarePost Mastectomy Care Nausea Pain Lymphedema
Female HealthPregnancy (Prenatal & Postnatal Care) Labour Care Pelvic Pain
Foot & Ankle DisordersMedial Plantar Nerve Entrapment Metatarsalgia Plantar Fasciosis
Hand DisordersCarpal Tunnel Syndrome Osteoarthritis of the Hand Dupuytrens’ Contracture
HeadachesTension Migraine TMJ Dysfunction
Hip, Leg & Knee Disorders"Illiotibial Band Impingement Syndrome Patellar Tracking Dysfunction Shin Splints (Compartment Syndrome) Ligament Tear
Joint DisordersRheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis
Neck & Back PainSciatica Degenerative Disc Disease (Slipped Disc) Facet Pain Whiplash & Associated Disorders Scoliosis Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Neurological DisordersMultiple Sclerosis Spastic Paralysis Stroke Parkinsons
PediatricColic Infant Massage
Psychological DisordersAnxiety Depression Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Respiratory CareAsthma COPD Emphysema
Shoulder & Elbow ConditionsFrozen Shoulder Golfers / Tennis Elbow (Tendonopathy)